Jason A.
I was investigated for a violation in the State of Utah that would have not been criminal in almost all other states. I was charged with a class B misdemeanor in Utah and Zach Barcara, a criminal defense attorney with Nelson Jones, was able to get me a deferral on my charge (meaning no conviction). Zach was tenacious and was able to get the prosecution to agree with the fact that the juice didn’t match the squeeze. My POST investigation and IA through my agency was handled by JC and Nate (both attorneys with Nelson Jones). My agency allowed me to quit due to Nate. My POST investigation and representation was handled by JC. JC was able to get POST to drop a 9 month suspension recommendation from the investigators to a 6 month suspension with my time started from the time I went on IA. Excellent representation. I screwed up bad. First time in 20 years. I learned from my mistakes a d I now have the opportunity to try to get back into law enforcement.